niedziela, 12 stycznia 2014

Fourth First to Fight's modelling competition | Czwarty konkurs modelarski First to Fight

First to Fight company has announced start of its fourth modelling competition, with a theme for this edition being German command tank SdKfz 265 Panzerbefehlswagen I. You can win three next issues of the "September 1939" magazine. Rules are simple - just upload a photo of the SdKfz 265 model by First to Fight built by yourself on the magazine's Facebook fanpage. You will have a chance to win in the three ways - by having the most likes, by being voted by other people participating in the competition or your model may be chosen by the publisher.
First to Fight has also informed that webstore with all issues of "September 1939" collection is up and working on the magazine's website.

Firma First to Fight poinformowała o rozpoczęciu czwartej edycji konkursu modelarskiego, w którym nagrodami są trzy kolejne numery pisma "Wrzesień 1939". Zasady udziału podane są tutaj.
Wydawca kolekcji poinformował także, że na jej stronie został uruchomiony sklep, w którym można kupić numery archiwalne pisma.

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