Firma Prodos Games pokazała finalne rendery trzech pretoriańskich łowców, wchodzących w skład jednego z dodatków możliwych do wykupienia przez osoby wspierające kampanię crowdfundingową gry "Warzone Resurrection". Cena podczas trwania kampanii wynosi 11,40 GBP. Wydawca gry ogłosił też, że zmieniły się nieco kolejne cele - pełna lista zmian znajduje się w tej wiadomości.
Prodos Games company has shown final renders of three praetorian stalkers, which will be available as another add-on for "Warzone Resurrection" crowdfunding campaign backers. Special kickstarter price of this add-on is 11.40 GBP. Publisher of the game has announced some changes to the next stretch goals of the campaign too - full list pf changes is available here.
Prodos Games company has shown final renders of three praetorian stalkers, which will be available as another add-on for "Warzone Resurrection" crowdfunding campaign backers. Special kickstarter price of this add-on is 11.40 GBP. Publisher of the game has announced some changes to the next stretch goals of the campaign too - full list pf changes is available here.