Kampania crowdfundingowa gry "Warzone Resurrection" poczyna sobie naprawdę nieźle. Osiągnięto właśnie kolejny cel, 50 000 funtów. Odblokowało to kilka dodatkowych jednostek. Kolejnym celem do osiągnięcia jest kwota 60 000 funtów. Jej zdobycie pozwoli na produkcję pięciu modeli Etoiles Mortant, trzech modeli machinatorów, trzech modeli pretoriańskich łowców oraz pięciu modeli świętych wojowników.
"Warzone Resurrection" crowdfunding campaign is going really well. 50 000 pounds stretch goal has been reached and few more units are unlocked. Next goal is 60 000 pounds. It will unlock five models of Etoiles Mortant, three figures of machinators, three miniatures of Pretorian Stalkers and five figures of Sacred Warriors.
"Warzone Resurrection" crowdfunding campaign is going really well. 50 000 pounds stretch goal has been reached and few more units are unlocked. Next goal is 60 000 pounds. It will unlock five models of Etoiles Mortant, three figures of machinators, three miniatures of Pretorian Stalkers and five figures of Sacred Warriors.