Wargamer opublikował właśnie nowy cel swojej kampanii kickstarterowej, który odblokowany zostanie po osiągnięciu pułapu finansowania 75 000 USD - będzie to nowa armia w postaci pliku .pdf, brandenburska obrona terytorialna z lat 1655-1660. Dodatkowo odblokowane zostaną modele do nowej armii, w postaci blistra zawierającego trzy wzory i dwanaście figurek pruskich muszkieterów. Przed zakończeniem kampanii opublikowany zostanie prawdopodobnie jeszcze jeden cel.
Wargamer has published a new stretch goal for its Kickstarter campaign, which will be unlocked after reaching 75 000 USD. This will be a new army with force organisation available as .pdf file - Brandenburg Territorial Defence 1655-1660. Additionally once this level of funding will be reached, new models for this army will be released - a blister of 12 miniatures (3 different designs) of Prussian musketeers.
Before campaing end one more stretch goal will be probably published.
Wargamer has published a new stretch goal for its Kickstarter campaign, which will be unlocked after reaching 75 000 USD. This will be a new army with force organisation available as .pdf file - Brandenburg Territorial Defence 1655-1660. Additionally once this level of funding will be reached, new models for this army will be released - a blister of 12 miniatures (3 different designs) of Prussian musketeers.
Before campaing end one more stretch goal will be probably published.
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