Niemieckojęzyczny serwis Brückenkopf – Online zamieścił krótką zapowiedź dwóch nowych produktów, jakie jeszcze w tym tygodniu ukażą się nakładem firmy Micro Art Studio. Będą to dwa zestawy fortyfikacji polowych z linii "Tau Ceti" oraz "Wraithstone".
German-language Brückenkopf – Online website has published a short preview of two upcoming Micro Art Studio's products which will be released later this week. Two sets of field fortifications will be part of the "Tau Ceti" and "Wraithstone" range of products.
German-language Brückenkopf – Online website has published a short preview of two upcoming Micro Art Studio's products which will be released later this week. Two sets of field fortifications will be part of the "Tau Ceti" and "Wraithstone" range of products.
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