Do końca kampanii IndieGoGo "Myconids from Gloom Glade" zostało pięć dni - obecnie zebrano 992 USD, przy czym cel kampanii określono na 1500 USD. Autor rzeźb bojowych grzybów, Kamil "Smok" Milaniuk zamieścił na swoim prywatnym blogu dwa nowe zdjęcia fungoidów - pokazują one wyraźniej zarówno modele, jak i jakość odlewów.
There are just five days till the end of IndieGoGo "Myconids from Gloom Glade" campaign - and there are 992 USD pledged so far, from the 1500 USD goal. Sculptor of myconids, Kamil "Smok" Milaniuk has upadted his personal blog with two new photos showing quality of casted models and some of them in better details.
There are just five days till the end of IndieGoGo "Myconids from Gloom Glade" campaign - and there are 992 USD pledged so far, from the 1500 USD goal. Sculptor of myconids, Kamil "Smok" Milaniuk has upadted his personal blog with two new photos showing quality of casted models and some of them in better details.