Miło mi ogłosić, że zwycięzcą konkursu sponsorowanego przez firmę 15mm.pl, jaki ogłosiłem w minionym tygodniu, został brodaty brutal, który skomentował wpis na tym blogu. Zwycięzcę proszę o przesłanie maila ze swoim adresem na mail polskiefigurki@blogspot.com, a potem o napisanie o tym fakcie w komentarzu pod tym wpisem tu lub na blogu wojna w miniaturze. Adres zostanie przekazany firmie 15mm.pl, zwycięzca dokona wyboru blistrów w porozumieniu z producentem. Gratulacje:)
It is my pleasure to announce a winner of competition sposored by 15mm.pl company, which was held lat week. Ladies and Gentlemen, and the winner is... brodaty brutal. Winner is kindly asked to provide address details at the mail polskiefigurki@blogspot.com AND to write a comment about this fact here or on the miniwojna.blogspot.com blog. Address will be sent to 15mm.pl, winner will make his choice in cooperation with the manufacturer. Congratulations:)
It is my pleasure to announce a winner of competition sposored by 15mm.pl company, which was held lat week. Ladies and Gentlemen, and the winner is... brodaty brutal. Winner is kindly asked to provide address details at the mail polskiefigurki@blogspot.com AND to write a comment about this fact here or on the miniwojna.blogspot.com blog. Address will be sent to 15mm.pl, winner will make his choice in cooperation with the manufacturer. Congratulations:)