Sklep sieciowy firmy Titan-Forge został zaktualizowany o nowe produkty, powstałe dzięki kampanii IndieGoGo "Drakskull's Menace". W sklepie pojawiło się ogółem piętnaście nowych pozycji, zgrupowanych w osobnym dziale. Wszystkie figurki odlane są z żywicy w skali 28 mm "heroic". Są to: Vorgash the Blood Drinker (15 EUR), Kostuh The Necromancer (13 EUR), Count Igork von Sharpfang (13 EUR), Zombliny (7 EUR), Doc Orcenstein (13 EUR), Jawbaty (18 EUR), goblini kanibale (8 EUR), kucharz kanibali (6 EUR), głośne duchy (7 EUR), Burtz the Ghostcaller (18 EUR), wielkie, złe wilki (25 EUR), ożywieńcze trolle (16 EUR), grupa dowodzenia zomblinów (5 EUR), Grimmy Boyz (7 EUR) i Drakskull na Tronie Śmierci (42 EUR).
Titan-Forge webstore has been updated with new products funded thanks to IndieGoGo "Drakskull's Menace" campaign. You can find fifteen new releases, grouped under the campaign name: Vorgash the Blood Drinker (15 EUR), Kostuh The Necromancer (13 EUR), Count Igork von Sharpfang (13 EUR), Zomblins (7 EUR), Doc Orcenstein (13 EUR), Jawbats (18 EUR), goblin cannibals (8 EUR), cannibal cook (6 EUR), Noisy Ghosts (7 EUR), Burtz the Ghostcaller (18 EUR), Big, Bad Wulfs (25 EUR), Undead Trolls (16 EUR), Zomblin Command Group (5 EUR), Grimmy Boyz (7 EUR) and Drakskull on Throne of Death (42 EUR). All miniatures are casted in resin in 28 mm "heroic" scale.
Titan-Forge webstore has been updated with new products funded thanks to IndieGoGo "Drakskull's Menace" campaign. You can find fifteen new releases, grouped under the campaign name: Vorgash the Blood Drinker (15 EUR), Kostuh The Necromancer (13 EUR), Count Igork von Sharpfang (13 EUR), Zomblins (7 EUR), Doc Orcenstein (13 EUR), Jawbats (18 EUR), goblin cannibals (8 EUR), cannibal cook (6 EUR), Noisy Ghosts (7 EUR), Burtz the Ghostcaller (18 EUR), Big, Bad Wulfs (25 EUR), Undead Trolls (16 EUR), Zomblin Command Group (5 EUR), Grimmy Boyz (7 EUR) and Drakskull on Throne of Death (42 EUR). All miniatures are casted in resin in 28 mm "heroic" scale.
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